Baby D 21 Weeks-A Carrot! 1/1

This week our baby that we are waiting to find out the sex of is 21 weeks!
My how time flies....well maybe for you all but I'm still counting week by week:-)

My baby countdown clock that we have used for just about any milestone in our family-weddings, birthdays, trips etc. shows we have 133 days to go till our expected due date of May 14, 2011

Hardly seems possible that we will have a new addition to our family in less than 5 months!

The girls are soo excited to meet our little bundle and give my tummy kisses everyday
-Ainsley still hasn't figured out if the baby is in my boobs or my tummy-lol afterall she is only 20 months old

So this week according to our baby is:
about 3/4 of a pound
approximately 10 1/2 inches long
(the length of a carrot)
still doing flutters that are becoming more noticable
eyelids and eyebrows are now formed
and if it's a girl-her parts are being formed this week

This is a picture of what the baby's growth would probably look like in the womb at 21 weeks
Picture of your developing baby
if you or someone you know is expecting check out
register your pregnancy, get week to week updates on the babies growth
and follow milestones and tips they have for babies once they are born

I have both my kids still entered on
 and it's nice to know when they are acting up or having tantrums that
it's "normal" and expected at that time in their growth calender
-always reasurring to know I am not going insane:-)

You can also share the info with grandparents and friends -who want to keep on track of where you are at too!

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