34 Weeks: Cantelope...41 days to go! 4/3

So this week I have completed week 34 which brings baby D to the size of a cantelope-roughly 4 3/4 lbs, about 18" Long. The central nervous system is maturing and the lungs are continuing to mature. If baby were to come between weeks 34-37 it is said that a baby being born with no other health conditions generally do pretty well, maybe spending just a few days or so in neonatal and generally do just as well as babies delivered full term. Baby has been doing just fine and I don't anticipate an early arrival at this point. Addisyn was born at 37 weeks and Ainsley at 38-both came on their own naturally so will see when #3 decides to grace us with his or her presence. I have roughly 41 days to go give or take a few to babies expected due date of May 14th. I have begun getting things ready and have started to pre-nest-not so sure it's nesting just yet, but I have started to get my loose ends tied up, organizing, cleaning etc so who knows for sure i guess. I have started to feel braxton hix contractions here and there-starting to finally feel like it's really real and soon we will have baby #3! The girls are both sooo excited to get baby out of mommy's tummy so they can hold it and give it kisses. Addisyn thinks it's a girl and really thinks Ainsley and her need another sister. We did however pick out a boy outfit to bring to the hospital just in case Addisyn is wrong so I guess time will tell.
Here is a photo of myself at 34 weeks taken by my photographer Addisyn today
Addisyn is getting ready for soccer season, sportn her new cleats, her tinkerbell soccer bell and socks, her jersey should be done getting screen printed this week with her name on it-she is sooo excited!

 Addisyn and Ainsley all done up for the day-Ainsley luvn all her piggies she has in
 Addi & Ains on St. Patty's Day-sportn the green
 Our family outing at Burger King-Daddy, Ains and Addi comn' down the slide-we finally got addisyn now that she is 4 to go up into the playland-she definately is my cautious one
 Addisyn & Ainsley, getting ready for Addi's first day back at pre-school since 3rd quarter break
 Addisyn in her favorite dress-up outfit-cutest cop I have ever seen:)
 Ainsley so very proud-shown' off her first potty sticker chart she filled up along with her new ball she got for doing so well-she isn't 100% yet, but practice makes perfect and she has lots of great teachers 
Soon, we will have baby #3 to grace us with his or her presence-we all can't wait to see what we get to bring home from the hospital-pink or blue:)

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