Journey To Jamaa

On Orphan Sunday, November, 6th 2011 our church hosted a "Journey to Jamaa" event-there is a video that is based on the life of 2 children, Margaret & Derick who become orphans. We were all given cards with one person on them that was in the movie and then we viewed the film "Journey to Jamaa"-if you haven't watched it yet I challenge you to take 30 minutes out of your day and and see for yourself everyday challenges that go on in our world each and every day. 

 My family is fortunate to live in a country with so much and yet others have so little. As I watched the film my eyes were opened with saddness and my heart ached for those less fortunate-at the end of the film we were asked to stand when the person on our card was called and at the very end they called for the character Margaret-the little girl in the film. There was only one person standing and she was all alone. It was a very powerful presentation and as sad and hard to view as it was I am glad I was able to attend such an event.

 My oldest Addisyn was attending faith factory (aka sunday school) during the service so we visited after church about the decison we made along with my sister and her family as well as my mom to sponsor 2 children from Mozambique-a boy and a girl-Dominguinho 11 and Razaina 10. My heart ached to pick only 2 children from the list -so we choose to pick 2 of the oldest. They both have
their parents and siblings but struggle to have everyday necessities-like money for school-food-medicine etc.
Our small $35 contributions each month for each child well help aid in those needed necessities, but it doesn't make all the hurt and pain that these children and families face everyday.

Our kids are very excited to have friends in Africa and we can't wait to get a letter from them and send pictures that the kids have colored and special bracelets that we are going to make for them.

I know that this time of year is usually a time to reflect on all our thanksgivings we have each and everyday. If you feel that sponsorship is something you may be interested in World Vision is a reputable foundation.  

There are many different places to donate and several organizations looking for tax deductible contributions this time of year, World Vision's primary focus is there helping build a better world for children.

To learn more about World Vision and child sponsorship click on the link below
you can also visit this site to view more info on hosting a "Journey to Jamaa" event at your place of worship
and if sponsorship isn't for you that's ok too, at least just make some time to watch the
it has helped my family look at the world and those suffering in a whole new way

Here are pictures of our new friends
the picture at the top of this post is a board we put together that we have hanging up of the sponsor sheets we received on Orphan Sunday-we have it hanging in our living room so we can always see their faces and keep them close to our hearts
Dominguinho (boy) 11

Razaina (girl) 10

We look forward to our new friendships
and pray for them and their families to have Hope, Help and Healing

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