Back to the Basics-Golden Salve!

My smiley little Ainsley has come down with a rash this past week.
(this picture doesn't really show how bad it was-but gives you an idea)

It first started last Saturday morning on her right cheek, almost looked like little sweat pimples, but then it started getting bigger and more red by the hour. It didn't seem to bother her and she did not have a fever so we kept an eye on it and after naptime it was even more red.

I had been putting on hydrocortizone cream, but it didn't really even seem to help. Sunday we noticed bumps on her arms and feet.  By Monday morning I was really concerned this rash was something that could be contagious like Hand Foot Mouth-but she didn't have a fever and no lesions in her mouth-i was puzzled. So I took her in to be safe. The nurse practioner decided it was probably something she came into contact with and to try benadryl and keep up with the hydrocortizone cream. So we did. -2 doses of benadryl a day-nap-bedtime, and applied the cream often

By Tuesday it had seemed like the benadryl had done nothing and the cream no change either and now her left cheek was showing many visible bumps as well.-still no fever but seemed like it was getting worse, so Wednesday morning Ainsley and I made another trip to the walk-in. This time we went to the pediatrick walk-in at Essentia our usual hospital.

The pediatric doctor seemed to think maybe a few spots on her hand looked like Hand Foot Mouth Disease but not your usual outbreak. She said her cheeks didn't look like even the same rash but that she felt since it wasn't on her tummy or back or mouth and no fever was present it just must have been something she came into contact with-Topical Dermatitis.

Her suggestions were to stop with the benadryl since it wasn't itchy to her, continue with hydrocortizone cream often and keep the area clean and moisterized with a fragrance free lotion.

We did this routine many times Wednesday and didn't notice much of a change-in fact her face looked worse by the end of the day.

My sister finally asked me about the Organic diaper ointment/salve I had bought on Etsy a while back and asked if I had tried that yet-I had told her no and then was kind of mad at myself for not trying it. Afterall it says to use on cuts, scrapes, burns, bug bites, eczema, skin irriations/rashes!!-hello what was I away we went-I started applying the salve on her cheeks-and did probably more than I needed to but I wanted to make sure I had the whole area covered well.

I applied it 2 times in the evening, again after bath and one more time before bed.

This morning she woke up-I immediately turned on the light to get a good look and was amazed and shocked! 

Her rash had improved at least by 50% overnight!!!!
I had Ryan my husband look at it just to make sure I was seeing it clearly....yes!-it had gotten better-FINALLY!!!!

So now your probably asking what the heck it was I put on her???

I somehow stumbled upon it on -an online site where items are hand crafted/home-made
 I was looking for an organic diaper ointement that did not contain any titanium dioxide or zinc oxide (which I have researched may lead to infertility in females down the road much like the same concerns with bleach in diapers)

So this Organic Diaper Rash Salve like mentioned before has many many different uses and I am so thankful my sister suggested to try and put it on Ainsley's rash.

The ingredients are All Organic: herbal infused olive oil, shea butter, beeswax, a proprietary blend of hydrosols and essential oilds, vit. e

Takes 3 months to make a batch of this Golden Salve
Actual name is Diaper Rash Cream Salve

comes in 3 different tin sizes
I highly recommend getting the 4oz-largest size as it has so many uses
-and remember alittle goes a lonnngg way!

Just goes to show-how going back to the basics like our grandparents with all their natural remedies really does help. If only our whole world we lived in operated like that- we would maybe have less cancers, disease and health problems. 

I know that most rashes eventually go away on their own even untreated-however as of yesterday at 5pm Ainsley was getting even worse with the hydrocortizone and benadryl-it had been in her system awhile and given many chances to work but for whatever reason it was not helping in her situation.

It's possible too that the combination of everything we had been trying finally worked together-however it happend I am happy and feel that with the use of the organic salve it was the boost she needed to getting this rash gone!

I am glad that we are finally seeing improvements in her and her smile this morning said it all!

***one happy momma today and so glad I can share this FAVORITE FIND with other parents, moms to be, or others that suffer from allergies, ezcema, burns, scrapes etc.
And I must say I am super excited to try it this summer on bug bites because I am one that is loved by the mosquitos.

I must also mention my neice Taycee 18mo now- had really bad diaper rash awhile back-I think she was teething at the time, I had went to change a poopy diaper for her and noticed blisters on her bottom one was the size of 1/2 dime- she had not been sitting in a poopy diaper for long-if anyone knows Taycee you can smell her a mile away when she has a dirty diaper-sorry don't mean to grose anyone out here-just trying to be was time for her nap so i put on a clean diaper and also applied the Diaper ointment salve to her bottom and affected blistered areas. I put her down for a nap and 2 hours later she woke up, I put on a clean diaper and noticed there was not a single blister on her bottom-there was not even a sign of a blister-and they hadn't just popped open either....I was in disbelief-had that cream worked that quickly for her???

Well, after Ainsley's rash condition improved overnight by at least 50% after applying the salve to her face-I am convinced in both situations-the Organic Diaper Ointment Salve was the ticket! 

Check it out for yourself on the Etsy Shop

you can view everything she has to sell on there-she is constantly adding new things to her site

I have tried the Sniffer-Portable Aromatherapy for when you have a cold and are stuffed up-it really helped me this winter with cold season

I have also tried the  Organic Baby Bottom Spray -to use inbetween diaper changes to avoid diaper rashes
I have been using it on my daughter Ahlera my 10mo old and it has done wonders for her
precious baby bottom skin!

I have also tried her Wonder Lib Balm
nice organic, no greasy formula was designed for the aging lip in mind
I love the fact that it can also be used on your cuticles!

I noticed a few items that are new to her site since I last visited and will definately be ordering her All Natural Hand Sanitizer and her Chapped & Cracked Hand Salve for all handwashing I do around here-my hands will thank me!

If you have a Favorite Find that you would like to share with others-post it in the comment section or email me :)

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