Two Kisses for Maddy 3/26

I am nearing the final stages of my 3rd trimester roughly 49 days or so to go. I spent this afternoon cleaning up and checking emails and facebook. I came across a post about 2 Kisses for Maddy that caught my attention. I wasn't sure what the post was exactly about but I saw photos of a new baby and a daddy in a wheel chair. I Looked further and noticed a title of a Book, "Two Kisses for Maddy, A Memoir of Loss & Love."  I knew if I clicked any further I would probably be going to that spot deep inside of me that has a loss, a loss for my own father. It's a loss that lies deep in the pit of my stomach-I don't go there often by choosing but sometimes I feel things and see things that take me there. It's nice to go back to visit it occasionally to show me how far I have come today but I don't like to visit it often or for long periods of time. I decided to click on the link. It was a collage of photographs with captions on each picture. Had me intriqued to learn more. I found the blog site and started to read. I will let those of you who haven't been there before to check it out for yourself. Matt, Liz & Madeline It had me wanting to learn more- what lead up to  the those days and how the days followed had went.  Who were they and how did their story evolve.
This is not a happy story by any means but a story that Matt decided to tell for his daughter. I am glad I stumbled apon it and I hope to get a copy of the book April 14th.

Two Kisses for Maddy
here is a trailer of the new book

Two Kisses for Maddy
A Memoir of Loss & Love
Debuts on April 14th

Find Two Kisses for Maddy on Facebook

Go Here  to Check out Matt Logelin's Blog and get an insite to how his life has changed and how he has chosen to go on for Maddy.

 I hope this post leaves you wondering how you can make the most out of your days...afterall that is why I started this blog- as a way to make Everyday Living for Everyday Life-Click HERE to read the beginning to my story and my blog.
I hope today brings you time together with your loved ones.

I just realized I stumbled across this blog today March 26th, the day after Liz's 3 year annivesary
-weird how life works sometimes.

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